Frequent Foods Topic

Frequent foods seem to be tied to particular meals. If I log a food for lunch, it will show up as a frequent food if I go to add a food to another lunch, but it doesn't show up as a frequent food if I want to add that same item to a dinner (for example). Is there any way to make a frequent food available to add to all meals, or is there another way to handle this?


Hello Mike,

On the website, there is an option to select "Frequent" foods for a specific meal or for "All Meals."

On the iPhone app, on the Manage My Foods section, the Frequent Foods has the same list, regarless if you opened this catalog from a particular meal screen (e.g. from Lunch) or from the "All Meals" screen.

For further assistance, would you please get in touch with us at

Thank you.

Dmitry S.
MyNetDiary Tech Support team

Thanks. Got it. I was hitting the "Search and log foods" from the meal screen, which only shows the Frequent Foods associated with that type of meal. As you said, selecting Manage My Foods (after clicking the circle with the 3 dots in it, in the upper right of the meal screen) shows all the Frequent Foods. It's actually kind of cool that it works two different ways, because the first way shows a shorter list of Frequent Foods, if you know that the food you're looking for is associated with that particular meal.

Frequent Foods