Gastric sleeve Topic
I had the sleeve procedure on Mar 17. I was on a 1200 calorie/day diet for 5 weeks preceding my surgery & lost about 15 pounds. As of today I have lost 34 pounds since my surgery. I am meeting my protein goals most every day. Dragonfly, have you tried adding any protein powder to your meals? I have been using the GNC unflavored whey protein powder. One scoop (about 2 tablespoons) has 22 grams of protein.
Vertical sleeve gastrectomy performed by Dr. Rosenthal, cleveland Clinic in 2009. 2 years post-op, I just started gaining weight. The reason this is happening is that my portion size gradually creeped up; my food choices have been poor; eating too many carb calories and not as much protein. Also, my exercise is not purposeful-some of that is due to a little depression and fatalistic about reaching my goal of losing 27 more pounds. So little but so far away. Today was a good day, so far have eaten protein concentrated meals: egg white omelet, lean turkey/cheese and banana for lunch and hamburger no bun with some roasted squash for dinner. Yogurt snack. I like Bariwise products for meal replacement shakes and use a little diet coke topper after mixing it with water and ice. It tastes like an ice cream soda. My doc doesn't want me to have carbonated beverages or use a straw. On other worry list is that I pulled the pathology report that was posted by my doc and it reports on the stomach remnant that was pulled through my belly button. This is the final diagnosis: submucosal edema and telangiectasia and malignancy. WHAT???? how do I interpret this? Nothing was said to me about this is a little worrying to say the least. Has anyone else read their surgical pathology report? Does this seem to be as alarming as I think it sounds? I just read the report this afternoon when I was going over my latest lab results-I get checked once a year on all the labs related to nutrition and lipids--so .....I live in s.Fla.
I just had the gastric sleeve done November 21 and am using My Net Diary to keep track of my protein and calories. I want to get in the habit of tracking everything I eat so I continue after my weight loss and hopefully avoid gaining any of it back.
Anyone else still posting here?
replied to Cloverfield
I had the sleeve in April of 201 and one thing my Doctor told me is NO Carbinated anything. The reason is the gas in the carbination stretches your pouch so you can eat more and it takes more to fill you up. I encourage you to turn away from all carbinated beverages and see if that does not help. Also, I use optiumn platinum hydro whey protein shakes to make sure I get enough protein. Praying for sucess we did not do all this to throw it away.
Hi, I'm two weeks post-op, and still trying to juggle meds, supplements, water AND protein intake. Looking forward to meeting others who are further down the way in their surgical weightloss journey.
I am preparing for gastric bypass surgery in less than 3 months. I'm excited but scared. I'm trying to get mentally and physically prepared for this. Any suggestions?
Hi Wah, This post was done 1 year ago.. did you have the surgery?
Hey thought I would come on here. I had myst surgery on April 8, 2013.
Hello guys. I had my surgery June 1st 2015, would love to chat if anyone if still on this forum.
replied to Marcella
Hi, working towards surgery hopefully in Sept they tell me, if all goes well with the various clearances I need. Losing weight in the meantime but I have to believe the weight loss is more dramatic post surgery. My doc is steering me towards the sleeve so I'm interested in hearing your opinions and thoughts to date....
Gastric sleeve