Getting Back to Exercise After a Fall Topic

So, Friday night it got dark while I was on my after dinner walk. Long story short - I fell, spent 4 hours in the ER to have them check out both knees, an elbow and one wrist (good news nothing is broken) and have been on crutches ever since. I plan to go to the gym tomorrow to lift upper body only and weigh myself. It seems like I am a ways away from getting back into my full exercise routine so I have tried to tighten up on my nutrition but who knows. Follow up doctor visit ended up being a phone appt because their building lost power. Bottom line was, give it two weeks and see how I'm feeling. My right knee does not feel like it is getting much better (but it does look better than it did at first).

Feel like I haven't contributed much to our group weightloss numbers. Hopefully I will be back to full steam by the middle of the month.

When your trying to stick to a food plan , Life happens . Food plans are over very long periods of time . So , what your experiencing is going to happen ( the finding it hard to stick to your food plans , not the falling down , part . ) , all you can do is your best . Try just going to the top of your healthy food plans . Just don't stop . Keep doing your best . I'm glad your mostly alright . Eat extra healthy to help heal . Take care .

Remember rest, ice, too keep swelling down, glad nothing broken, we all have had a fall! Eat smart and be extra careful with wrists. A short delay will not stop you from success!

Thank you for the encouragement! I am doing my best to stay off the worst knee and use the crutches as much as possible.

I weighed in this morning and am down 3 pounds so I know the work I put in before this happened must have built muscle and I am being particular about my nutrition.

Just so sad to see these beautiful fall days go by and I am not able to get out and walk like I had been. Hope that another week will be enough to be able to enjoy some time walking outside.

You will have to bundle up and go out and sit and read a book . A hot drink in hand . 3 lbs. is wonderful .

I see your still having problems . But you lost another 1 lb. Waytogo .

Thanks, Rosesareblue. Yes, I am still on crutches (probably have another week or two). I can hobble around without them but it hurts. Good news is I have not used any pain meds for the past week. The doctor said to start putting weight on it as I feel ready and I think I started too soon because of the medication. So, I have back off and am trying to get a better read on when I should be using it vs. the crutches. My knees are different shapes. The right one comes to a point. Trying to figure out if there is still swelling in there or if it has been "rearranged" due to the fall.

I have been focusing on my nutrition, sleep and whatever activity I can do. I am actually down another 4 pounds since my last weigh in. :-)

BTW - I haven't posted since my doctor saw me in person. She sent me for additional x-rays and there is a fracture of my right kneecap. However, the orthopedic surgeon that looked at the pictures said it is the kind that must heal on its own (like a broken toe). Nothing they can do surgically to repair it. General healing time is 4-6 weeks. I am at 4 weeks today.

Wow ; another 4 lbs. while your recovering , good for you . Your being very wise , watching your diet while your healing . It will help your body . A person tends to feel like comfort food when they have a mishap , so I think you should be extra proud of staying mostly with your plans . Well done . And I don't know if this time is the best to cut back on your coffee . LOL . Take care .

I am needing to watch more calories more. I had skin surgery and I am finding it suprising how tired it has made me.

Getting Back to Exercise After a Fall