Getting fit for a holiday/vacation Topics

I have a special trip coming up and would like to connect with others that have a similar motivating event in their future - I'd like to lose a bit of weight and feel very strong for the holiday.

Three a week 1 messages

Last message on 04/25/18 by PEFranklin: I have made a goal to do three weight/resistance workouts a week (and I do mine with a trainer in 30 minutes per day) - but what if in 10 min increments three times a week I picked up one more??? Game changer?

Don’t wait - work out! 1 messages

Last message on 04/24/18 by PEFranklin: How many times do we think - “I’ll workout when the time is right - or, it’s warmer - or when the pool is open

Getting fit for a holiday/vacation. I have a special trip coming up and would like to connect with others that have a similar motivating event in their future - I'd like to lose a bit of weight and feel very strong for the holiday.