Getting Fit For Life Topics

We are changing our lifestyles, rather than dieting. Let's share ideas for staying motivated, burning more calories or anything else you think is helpful. Got an issue, someone has probably been through the same thing, let's talk about it!

TV Commercials 1 messages

Last message on 03/09/17 by A-n-n-e: An easy way to get in extra steps or minutes of exercise, walk/jog in place or around your home during the commercials.

Choosing An Exercise Activity 1 messages

Last message on 03/09/17 by A-n-n-e: Finding something fun, such as dancing, sport, or gardening is definitely easier than "working out", for me. It just doesn't feel like a chore if I'm enjoying myself. My newest activity is pickleball.

First weigh in at two week point. 4 messages

Last message on 03/09/17 by A-n-n-e: ??

Burn calories from Exercising 2 messages

Last message on 03/09/17 by A-n-n-e: You can if you feel your body needs them. You are using energy to exercise, if you don't replenish with enough food you may feel tired and find your willpower low. Also your body needs nutrients to build muscle and renew itself.

New Year, New Beginning 15 messages

Last message on 01/26/14 by A-n-n-e: If anyone is considering purchasing a Vitamix, the shopping channel has a fantastic deal today. $579 includes the 64 oz container and the dry container, plus books. Regularly $795. And you get to pay it in 12 payments over 12 months no interest!...

Dealing with illness 2 messages

Last message on 01/16/14 by Tbgg: It's smart to listen to your body, Jason. The trick lies in being able to start in with those good habits again once you're feeling better (and I'm glad to hear that you *are* feeling better :) ). I've not been sick yet, but have struggled to...

New Group Member 6 messages

Last message on 01/10/14 by A-n-n-e: Hi Tbgg, great attitude! You are right, this time you are starting at the 1/2 way mark.

Supporting Each Other 1 messages

Last message on 03/22/13 by A-n-n-e: I've been negligent at checking here for messages. Is anyone still using this group? I desperately need others to swap ideas, strategies, shares successes and set backs with. Anyone else need the same?

House full of holiday treats 2 messages

Last message on 01/04/13 by Zann: LOL, totally understand about the treats! We're still overrun with leftovers, and I'm trying really hard to treat myself only within the limits of my daily allowance. I hate to see food and treats go to waste so I can't bring myself to just throw...

YoYo Dieting 3 messages

Last message on 01/04/13 by Bloggins: Ah, yes: maintenance -- the challenge that has nailed me three times over 20 years. It's currently somewhere in the distant future, and one of the things I'm hoping this year is to develop some new habits that will make maintenance possible, such...

Getting Fit For Life. We are changing our lifestyles, rather than dieting. Let's share ideas for staying motivated, burning more calories or anything else you think is helpful. Got an issue, someone has probably been through the same thing, let's talk about it!