Getting going Topic

Looking for something that will really get me into sneakers and out for cardio in the evening when I'm already pooped? Or is it a better idea to get this done in the morning when my brain could really use the boost? All thoughts welcome.

The nice thing about the Shred video is that it only takes 20 minutes, but is very high energy. So far, I've been able to talk myself into it because it is so short.

Thanks, I'll look into it. You've been so helpful, I really appreciate it.

Found a much lower impact workout
Fat free yoga
By raviana

It seems weird even goofy
It is a kind of yoga called kundalini
Heavy on breathing
But it is 100 percent doable
No impact
And threw me off a plateau almost immediately

I've heard of the practice of kundalini yoga but never seen it. Heading to Amazon now to look for this. Thanks!

Getting going