Getting started with sugar cravings Topic

I need tips on foods that help with sugar cravings.

You may be lacking enuf essential fats, omega 3s. Sugar cravings are hormonal responses. Try a rice cake with almond butter. Or make a chocolate chia pudding with a good quality cocoa. Nuts especially walnuts are great too.

Hi NJW, sugar craving could be due to a number of factors. You might find this blog post helpful:

I like Bunty's suggestions for healthier foods that can provide a small amount of carb along with healthier fats. Protein + small carb portion is also effective.

Just be sure to log carefully since high fat foods do have a very high caloric load. Healthy doesn't mean calories free, of course. We all know that since we track, but it is good to keep that in mind.

1 oz of whole nuts/seeds (about 1/4 cup or 4 tbsp) is very filling and provides a lot of nutrition for the 160-200 kcal it provides (depending upon type).

Some folks use cocoa powdered nuts as well. Doesn't change the caloric content that much, but it makes it seem more like a dessert.

Bunty, can you share a chocolate chia pudding recipe with us? One you have made and that you like?

I'm not sure if this is exactly what your asking for, I don't get sugar cravings much, but I have tried this product and as long as you don't indulge too much or too often its a nice treat, look up on Amazon: Judy's Candy Co. and find her sugar free candies. There is sugar alcohol but no sugar. I think she uses manitol? but don't quote me on that. There is also those Atkins indulge Bars that look good and have 1-2 g sugar.

Getting started with sugar cravings