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Hello y’all I started losing weight with the app in March 2021. I am down to 257 from 303. I’ve seriously plateaued for about 3 weeks UGH!

Hi there Opa- Strong work on your weight loss. Losing 46# is a big deal! Sorry to hear the scale is not reflecting your hard work. Many people experience weight loss plateaus. And yes they can be frustrating, even though they are a normal part of the weight loss journey. Here are some tips that have helped others get the scale moving again: https://www.mynetdiary.com/have-you-been-dieting-and-exercising-but-not-losing-weight-try-these-proven-plateau-solutions.html
Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I’ve been using the app for 6 months now and I’ve lost 52 lbs. I started at 303, now I weigh 251. I haven’t been in the 240s for decades.

I’m a no rules independent person that fails all edits. However, My Net Diary has given me the parameters I need.

Hi there Opa-
Way to go with your weight loss! We are thrilled to hear the app has provided you with helpful tools to meet your goals. Finding a tool that feels supportive though not intrusive can be challenging. What tips might you provide to other independent folks looking to lose weight? Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I just downloaded this app today. I have tried and failed at loosing weight and now I’m at my heaviest ever at 247. I can’t ever stay on track and I’m truly embarrassed the way I look. But I guess not enough to fight for it. Here’s hoping I can do better with this tracker. Fluffy 64

Hi Fluffy. I’m having success with this app. I also include intermittent fasting (IF) 18:6. I’m just getting into doing some exercise. I scheduled every hour to get up and move for no less than 5-10 mins. Not much but it’s a start. I also use portion plates for my food. It was a struggle but I’m finally use to eating less. I also use my FitBit to track my steps. I’m losing anywhere from 1 to 1-1/2 lbs a week. I’d love it if we can support each other. I started at 238. I’m now 230.8.

i have been very successful using this app , this has been the best for me so far , i find the more cardio you can do if any at all it really helps with losing the weight even faster. i came to a plateau a month ago for two weeks nothing was coming off i kept up with the calories I'm doing every day as the app suggested and was not losing i was staying at the same weight , then i changed up my exercise routine a bit , starting using some weights along with some aerobics nothing strenuous and it worked i started losing again I've lost another 5 lbs in 3 weeks. i have lost 20 lbs total so far since September and still have 15 to go . so if you change up the exercise here and there and keep up with the calories the app suggests for you i noticed it really does work !

Hi everyone! I’m 15 and 5’5. I’ve had this app for about 3 months now. I have lost 10 pounds so far. It’s not a lot but I only want to lose 20lbs so it’s a start. I’m taking it slow and just trying to gradually get more fit. Good luck to you all!

Hello H.G.
It sounds like you are very excited to take charge of your health. That is important. However, weight loss can be tricky at your age. While tracking (on an app like MyNetDiary) can be valuable for adults wanting to improve their health, it can reinforce unhealthy behaviors for those with or at risk of developing an eating disorder. Are your parents aware you are using the app as a way to lose weight? It is imperative they are aware you are on this forum and realize you have downloaded the app and are actively dieting.
No one under the age of 18 is permitted to use this Site without the direct supervision of his/her Parent, Legal Guardian, and/or other legally authorized persons.
Please talk to your parents and or guardian. If they are not on board, please delete the app. We are concerned for your health and dieting at your age is a big deal. Here are our terms of use regarding age and privacy for your review: https://www.mynetdiary.com/terms.html
I realize this was not the response you were hoping to hear and apologize if this sounds harsh. At your age, your body shape and size are changing and you have unique nutrient needs. I'd suggest you meet one on one with a registered dietitian to help you develop an individualized healthy eating plan.
Here's how to find a dietitian in your area: https://www.eatright.org/find-a-nutrition-expert
Please let me know you received this. In good health~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I’ve lost 50lbs so far using the app. 270 to 220 I would recommend this app to anyone wanting to and serious about weight loss. Just be true to the information you put in and commit yourself to your goals. My be small at first but if you stick with it you’ll see the results. My A1C was high 10 range I got it down to 5 range using this app. Good luck!

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