Hashimoto Hypothyroidism Topic

Hello ! what eating plan do you recommend? to lose weight (mainly fat) gluten free and dairy free?

I have a few months with hashimoto and I am learning to make changes in my diet and exercise habits to help me reduce digestive discomfort and lose weight.

any suggestions? Which of the diets is the most appropriate?

Hi U1194176609-
Welcome to MyNetDiary!
I'd suggest following the Premium calorie counting option in the app. This allows you the ability to pay the closest attention to calories (for weight loss) while also avoiding gluten and dairy.

This article provides additional information on the different Premium diets in the app: https://www.mynetdiary.com/diet-goals.html

In addition, the app includes hundreds of Dietitian-approved recipes you may enjoy. Just look for the chef's hat icon and filter the recipes for gluten and dairy-free options. This article provides additional details: https://www.mynetdiary.com/dietitian-approved-recipes.html
Enter recipes into the app: https://www.mynetdiary.com/tips-for-entering-your-recipes-into-mynetdiary.html

Please keep us updated on your progress! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I had Hashimotos disease. Are you on h thyroid medication to insure your thyroid levels are normal not low. If not I recommend to talk to your doctor about this.

Hashimoto Hypothyroidism