Having trouble getting my carbs and proteins right Topic

I find I'm constantly not eating enough protein or fats even though I might eat steak, salmon eggs... any help greatly appreciated.

Sorry for the late reply!! I just saw the message. Re eating more protein, try increasing the size of your portions, i.e. a larger steak, larger piece of salmon and an extra egg. Another good option is to add more cheese. Look at the macronutrient profile on the package...many cheeses are about half fat, half protein, so this hits on both cylinders. If eating more food makes you too full, you can always drink a protein smoothie 1-2 times/day. Just make sure the protein you choose is a very low carb version.

Re adding more fat, simply increase the amount of oil and/or butter you put on your vegetables. For example, instead of using 1 tablespoon of olive oil as a salad dressing, use 2 or even 3. Better yet, use 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of brain octane (once you know that's tolerable for you). Cook vegetables in liberal amounts of coconut oil or butter or ghee.

Nuts are a good source of fat with some protein (although they do contain carbs) and avocado is also a great fat source (again it has some carbs). You can put both in your protein smoothie and you can add oil to your smoothie as well.

Another easy trick is adding more cream and/or butter and/or cacao butter to your coffee. If you haven't tried cacao butter in your coffee it's delicious. I use 2 discs of the Eco brand in my coffee and blend in a bullet (sometimes I add brain octane as well). YUM!

If I can help with more suggestions let me know.

Having trouble getting my carbs and proteins right