Hello Topic
I am 59 60 in july probably makes me the baby in here. Never been on a diet but I feel I need to lose some weight before I get on the beach in Cannes, my trunks are getting tight. I am not computer savvy either but after three days I am getting round the site ok, I joined just to keep a record on what I eat , up to yet not to bad , but not put down what I drink , where do you do that. all the best.
I have ad a bad cold last three days wonder if all the tablets lotions and potions have bumped my calorie intake up . noticed on a bottle of cough syrup it contained treacle.
Last week I went to a resturant waiter said what would you like , I said 4 sausages, three rashers of bacon, chips, three fried eggs, beans, and 8 slices of toast , and stick me a slice of Pizza on top. Waiter said ,what would you like as a starter, I said that is the starter.
Just been for a walk ,2 and a quarter hours never thought I would make it back , I was thinking wonder how long it will be before someone finds me. I had this tune in my head that I kept singing Amazing Grace . I was once was lost but now I'm found etc etc . Weird I was only going to do an hour. Got a big blister on my foot so theirs a positive , I won't be able to walk tomorrow. Anyone got a rebedy for blisters?. All the best.
What an idiot breakfast at my sisters ,bacon and Egg sandwich. been to the pub pint of Lager, thought I would have something to eat to stop me cooking at home had Gammon eggs and chips. now just had a picnic bar .I don't think I can keep this up , Think I have set my goal to high. Back at work tomorrow will be back to being more regimented.
Seen the grandson today , I said what will you do when you are as big as me ?. He said go on a diet Grandad. Kids hey.