Hello Topic

I am new here :)

There was an incident yesterday where it was abundantly clear that my boyfriend is actually ashamed of how I look and doesn’t want to be seen with me. I gave birth 2 months ago and last year, so 2 back to back pregnancies and gained a lot of weight (about 40kg over last 3 years). I look completely different than to the girl he met. But I felt really low yesterday and genuinely can’t get over his behaviour yesterday (while shopping he saw people he knew and I didn’t meet yet, and he put his mask and hoodie on and asked me to walk on and he’ll catch up. Apparently he didn’t want to be seen with me as I “put on a bit”. I was just shocked and we aren’t speaking now, but I looked in the mirror when I got home and just felt really really really low. I’m breastfeeding at the moment so I’m not doing any diets , but I decided to have healthier options and walk more outside with my babies. My family basically said we told you to lose weight and I hope now you’ll take your weight seriously because your health is on the line and to forget about my boyfriend and move on.

I just want support without being made to feel shitty about myself.

If you love someone you love everything about them, you can’t pick and choose what you want to love. Do your best, that’s all you can do, what do you want to do? How do you feel about yourself? As long as are happy with the effort you put in for the day when you put your head on pillow, that’s all you can as for! You do you and those babies and let your “boyfriend” piss off in my humble opinion.

If you love someone you love everything about them, you can’t pick and choose what you want to love. Do your best, that’s all you can do, what do you want to do? How do you feel about yourself? As long as are happy with the effort you put in for the day when you put your head on pillow, that’s all you can as for! You do you and those babies and let your “boyfriend” piss off in my humble opinion.

I am sorry that happened to you. It is sad your boyfriend doesn’t respect your body for the miracle it has performed, twice!
The bigger issue is his lack of respect for you as a human being whom he supposedly loves. That isn’t something that can be solved on this platform. It will take some in depth conversation between the 2 of you & maybe a professional. Good luck and remember your worth is not found in your physical body.

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, it’s definitely knocked me back because I didn’t realise that’s what he was thinking or was feeling towards me. ultimately I’m doing what’s best for me and my kids hence why I’m looking at slowly losing weight to improve my health, and my body and still breastfeed okay.

It just made me ugly cry because I was already feeling insecure without him adding to it.
