Hello Topic

I don't know if anyone is left in this group but i will post message anyway.
My name is John Murray, I am 55 and classified as a diabetic on 10/30/15. I was injured badly in a work accident in March of 1997.I have had 14 back surgeries and was classified as 100% disabled in 1998. My last surgery was in 2012 which left me with a dropped R foot (no control) and the inability to walk or stand without excruciating pain and numbness in legs. I have fallen numerous times due to loss of R foot and losing feeling in legs.I use a power wheelchair to get around walking problems.
Since the injury I have gained over 120 lbs. I have been paralyzed for weeks and bedridden for months at a time.I used to do physical therapy but no longer an option. during times with pain and not sleeping became a comfort food eater. Ben N Jerry's Cherry Garcia was a must plus bowls of candy. I wouldn't eat because of pain and then eat everything in the house in morning hours. I was classified as a diabetic on 10/30/15.
Since then I have gave up soda,candy, ice cream and sugar products. I try to eat diabetic low carb meals, which is hard. My wife has tried different recipes online and at 80% make the garbage. We keep trying to we find edible ones.Shopping is hard when checking labels for carbs and such but we now have an online supermarket. They will pick our order and deliver or can be picked up.
Exercise is very little as not to bring on pain later at bedtime, where the day's wear and tear seems to show up in pain and discomfort. I do some arm exercises with 5lb dumbbells and leg exercises 5 lb ankle weights. I do walk some at stores but not a lot.

Well if anyone drops in give me shout I will check in time to time.
Thanks and Good Luck!! John

It's been a month and I have lost 31lbs. Not too much I miss except, the spare tire I was carrying around. Went away for Thanksgiving to a casino for 2 nights in Atlantic City NJ. Stayed pretty close to eating pattern but did have a half of sub for the Famous "White House" sub shop. Found out today my Wife is a Diabetic too, worse numbers than I had.
Now we both can work together on getting better. With my back injury and all the surgeries and running around back and forth to Columbia in NYC. We created bad eating habits and never did slow down. Both us with injuries and we can't really exercise, so food intake is real important. The first couple of weeks pounds were flying off, now 2 to 3 lbs a week. Not bad but still figuring out foods and meals.I'm happy as long as I keep losing weight.
Till Next time, John

Hello, I'm 52 with a back injury from a car wreck in 2010. I was already overweight at the time but had just had a lap band placed the month previous. Well not being able to walk let alone ride in a car the band was for the most part ineffective. It has restricted the amount I can eat to some degree. I did lose a small amount of weight. BUT that being said, 5 years out I can get around fairly well. I can't really do much in the way of exercising. Cleaning the kitchen and preparing meals is about it for me. If I go to the store I can't do the whole meal thing so do something easy like sandwiches on paper plates. I am looking at having the band removed and getting a gastric sleeve. I have just started using this app a little over a week ago. I really like it so far. I certainly am more focused on just how many calories I consume. Also the quality of those calories. I look forward to sharing this journey with you.
