Hello, Texan Here Topic


New member to the teams feature but I've used this app for 2 years. This is my second major diet push. My last one ended this March where I clocked in 90 pounds lost. I've gained some back and plan on losing and KEEPING off the weight. I can't stress to any of you the importance of KEEPING the weight off. Learn from my mistakes and take preparations early for a transition from diet mode to normal new life mode.

Good job on that 90lbs! I hope you didn't gain too much back, so you'll have an easier time losing it this time around. :D

It's good of you to bring this point up to remind us all of the importance of continued dieting, or at least continued moderating.

During my diet, I am going for a metabolism boost (my natural metabolism is actually very high, but I've slowed it down over the last few years by not eating but a meal or two a day, if that) so I'm actually eating a pretty large amount compared to what I am used to, but I'm really watching the nutrients in what I eat.

I have big problems with sodium and saturated fat from my favorite food, cheese. Eheh.

My goal is to lose enough weight to get to a point where I am strong enough in my workouts to actually burn 600+ calories a day.

I often tell myself, when I am tempted to eat something out of the house, "Just wait until you've lost the weight, then you can eat all you want and work it off!"

But when I lose the weight I really want to, I know it's not going to be smooth sailing keeping it all off. Getting into the routine of maintaining a lower weight will definitely take some time and I applaud you for coming back to work on yours. n_n

Good luck!

Hello, Texan Here