Hey I just joined! Topic

Hey, I just joined this group and MyNetDiary, and I am so excited! I'm probably younger than a lot of people included in this group (not that it matters), so I'll be sure to get some hyper, motivating, positive energy into this group! I weigh 147 lbs. right now, but I want to try and get down to 135. During covid, I never got to leave my house, and stayed in my room almost all day, so even though I have a pretty fast metabolism and am in good shape, and I eat mostly healthy I gained quite a bit of weight. SO now I am determined to lose all 12 lbs. by June 01. Tell me a little bit about you, I'd love to hear it! :)

Welcome aboard! Great to see you are motivated. That's always the best point to start at. If the willpower is there in the first place, the rest will fall in place. And being younger can be a huge benefit, too. This way your body adjusts way faster to certain changes than ours, who have worn it down for 40, 50 or 60 years. LOL

Nice to meet you. I am just doing calorie counting and exercise such as walking. I have learned so much from everyone in this group and also from nutritionists and friends who have seen doctors to get the perfect diet for their body and needs. My motivation has been getting the A grade foods which I learned are not all in the health food section and adjusting my foods that were c and d to get a or b. I mess up a lot. I count the little things as exercise too like vacuuming, lol

I'm another newbie on MND and just joined this group. I like to think of myself as young but I would feel a lot younger physically if I lost 100+ pounds! I'm used to calorie restriction and walking for exercise but I've been pretty bad for past year or so really need to get back on track. A few years back I lost over 80 pounds but I've gained most of that back which is so disappointing. Hoping this new app/website will be the key to new motivation.

Welcome, Babysangel705! Not to worry, we're all in the same boat here. It's a long road, but you don't have to walk it alone. And I don't think just an app will be the key to motivation. You already had that motivation by downloading it. So what you were looking for is already there. Now you just have an extra tool to reach that goal!

Welcome to the group. It is important to find that balance again, but not punish or scold yourself for messing up. You can actually mess up some each week without ruining your weightloss. What usually happens though is we spiral from one mistake, feel guilty and then keep spiraling. I learned it is very easy to make mistakes, but you have to be mindful and not feel too bad otherwise it gets worse.

The best thing is to find what motivates you. Playing with the food scanner at the store has not only helped me to eat better, but it has busted some myths about good food being in the expensive health food section. I have a need to get food grades of A, plus save money so when I learned you do not have to buy the expensive stuff to get A's and you can still have things like cereal if healthy and in moderation, I felt so much better. I also go for foods with the most filling ingredients and serving sizes that have the A.

I have been messing up for 3 weeks now more than i want to, but because I keep busy and all movement counts and get myself back on track after I mess up I have not gained or lost weight. I love that all movement counts for exercise that is what keeps me motivated as sometimes my work is very sedentary.

I have noticed a direct relation to my happiness and weight loss or gain. Even if I do nothing wrong, but have a bad day I start noticing bloating, tummy aches and water weight gain. If I am happy, but not as active my weight loss stalls. If I am happy and try to be a little active I noticed the pounds come off easier. I think cortisal has a lot to do with this.

Unfortunately with the 2 yr anniversary of my loves death April 26 and a lot of medical appointments due to being a premee and genetics things have been quite stressful.

I love every one of you guys. You are amazing and I get inspiration just reading your posts. I only wish they would allow us to have more than 25 people in our little group. I don't want anyone to feel alone in this or any other life journey.


Hey I just joined!