Hi All Topic

I have been using MyNetDiary since End January. I have been up and down, but I am seeing where I am snacking. I have lost 8 pounds over the past few weeks working to really stay within my calorie guidelines. I am 49 years old currently weigh 207 size 16, with a goal of 169# and loose size 12. So I have 38 # to go. I am sick of being fat and I hate what I look like in pictures. My youngest is 8 years old and I never lost that baby weight. Happy to be part of a team. Liz

Stick in there you will do it.

Welcome aboard and grats on the recent wgt loss - keep it up!! I've hated seeing myself in photos as well, but now that you're committed to losing weight don't focus on it too much - every lb that falls off the scale is one step closer to self confidence and success! Kids can be great activity motivators too - see what you can do outdoors together and make it a habit - who says exercise has to be hard work :-)


Hi Eawlizwa.....I've been using MyNetDiary since October, combined with a trainer and have lost 20#s and am new to the community....I'm 48 years old, peri-menopausal, and am very frustrated with my success rate...but am still working hard at it. My youngest is 16 and I still haven't lost that baby weight (lol)....I have the same goals as you...hope you are still involved and would love to compare notes with you!

Hi All