Hi Susmax1 Topic

Hi Susmax 1 and everyone else ; I hope you are doing good with your health plan , I have been doing alright until today Sat. Sept . 4th. I was not feeling too good and babied myself went over my calories for the day , by about 200 calories over . So I'm going to take a breath and just do better tomorrow Sunday , as you guys know the big thing is not to make it 2 or 3 days in a row where you don't stick to your plan . I hate not having my name down for the stuck to the food plan for 24 hrs."" Anywho"" tomorrow is a new day . If you have a few minutes tell us how your doing ? Take care .

Rosesareblue, I hope your Sunday and Monday went well. My long weekend is extended by a day as the school district I work for is taking the 7th & 16th off in September. My weekend went okay. I ate too many carbs the past 2 days (albeit most were healthy whole foods) and did not drink enough water yesterday. I am doing okay with tracking food, but forget about the water. I hope to scale back the carbs this week.

Do you all meal plan for the week or just take it day by day?

HealthyDaisyVA and everyone else ; Monday was good and not good , still in a calorie deficit but barely . Today Tues . is better , just being more aware of how to keep the calories down and sticking to that plan . I have planned days , and your right that is better for sticking to a healthy food plan , because you know what your doing no guessing . But I just haven't been doing that as much lately . So I am going to give that a little thought .The goal for the week is up the veggies , I love veggies so why are my not eating them like I normally do , so , that's a plan . Take good care of yourselves out there in the public , be safe . Oh , by the way you could make your water more fun , by making it a hot decaf tea or coffee , or putting berries in your water . I used to do that and it was fun thing to do . Take care everyone .

I see as a group we lost 6.4 lbs how great is that . And some of you ( not me ) have been doing great exercise wise . Congrats on that . I would love to lose 4 lbs . before the end of Sept. but I do think it's wishful thinking . Anyone else have a goal that they want to say . Take care everyone .

I have 2 "short term" goals:
1) Lose 1.5 pounds this week. (That will put me at a total of 40 pounds lost since June 16th.)
2) Lose another 11 pounds by my next Dr. appt (middle of November). If I can do that I will have met my second "10% of my body weight" goal.

My long-term goal is to lose over 100 pounds & get down to 125.

It is going to take a long time but my plan is to tackle it in increaments of 10% of my current body weight at a time to keep up my motivation.

I started this renewed effort to finally lose all the weight & improve my health after a pretty dismal annual physical. At first my doctor just wanted to throw meds at the issues and I advocated for a natural approach with nutrition & exercise. She was very leery (don't blame her since I havn't been able to do it yet). She finally agreed after we had a heart-to-heart discussion and she saw that I had some early progress due to following her instructions about exercise (she said 90 minutes 5x per week, I had never been told that before). I have kept at it and though progress is slowing I am holding strong.

I see on your blog post you do strength training , good for you . I think your going to do great with the combination of healthier diet and that exercise your doing . Keep up the good work . Take care

I lose and gain the same few pounds over and over, but I am not really trying like I should be either. I have a 5K I want to do in December, the theme is based on It's A Wonderful Life movie and it's a really fun race. I want to start Couch to 5K and try to run it again this year. I used to run up to 10K and let myself get so far out of shape I can barely run 5 steps! I also want to get back into the habit of tracking consistently. I have been very bad at that too! If nothing else it helps keep me accountable.

Wishing you well in getting back to your old fitness level . How long would that take you if you just set little goals ? Do you want the same level or just almost at that old level ? I think tracking for a week ; or 2 weeks ; or 3 weeks ; are goals that might be attainable for you . I have been fortunate that tracking is not as much of a challenge for me . But , I am not out in the working world with a lot of other things going on , like you probable have , keeping you busy . You could put it down in writing on a little blog post on your page here at MND . Even if no one else read it , you would be putting it out there for you to read and reread every so often . You can do it . Wishing you my best .


Thanks. Being consistent with strength training every other day has been a huge help in this journey. I lost the 1.5 pounds! Now on to goal #2.

You can do it. Couch to 5K is a great plan. I used it a few years ago. Unfortunately, an ankle injury (from walking, not running) curtailed that effort and I haven't been able to get back into it. I keep telling myself, "I will start running when I am out of the 200s." We will see. Good luck. Keep us posted on your progress.

Hi Susmax1