Hi Susmax1 Topic

Hi just wondering how you are doing on mynetdiary and even if you are still here ? I'm just slowly losing about 1 lb a week . Also there is another group called " Trying this ! Spark Friends ! " did you want to join that group there isn't much action over there neither but more than you and I . Any ways how are you doing ? Take care .

Hi. Slowly losing but it’s harder and harder each week to not have a blow out. 1lb a week is good. Keep it going.

I know what you mean . I don't do hardly any exercise so my calories are low . And I have not been getting as many vegies in . So I am more hungry , because I am not filling up on the good and healthy stuff . So my goal for the next 2 weeks is back to more salads and veggies and berries . I'll let you know how that goes . If you want to set up a goal too go ahead . It might help . But donot feel You have to worry about the pressure , if you do you do , but if not that's fine . Also if you see me post don't feel you have to respond right away or if at all . As you and I know sometimes the pressure of trying to lose weight and keeping it healthy is a type of pressure . Also it was way easier on sparkpeople when there was 100's of people using that Community goal feed . That is what this place needs . We could try posting once a week or once every 2 weeks or once a month . Or not at all . What ever you think . I am pretty laid back and easy to get along with . And my feelings don't get hurt . Anyways enough said , gives you a little to think about . Take your time .

Hi, I am ROSEWAND from Spark. Have been here about two
months and really like the tracking, but the community is
so slow, not what we are used to. So good to find Sparkers
here. Wish there were more.

I was on Spark for over 12 years pretty much everyday.
It has been so helpful in both losing and maintaining.

Hi ROSEWAND you were on spark a lifetime . That would be very difficult to change over . I only joined in mid Dec 2020 and it was the last little bit that I used it so much . But I think that was a blessing and a curse . I spent too much time reading blogs . There was so much info . I really wasn't doing somethings I should have been getting done . So mynetdiary has less for me to get distracted from . I am going to read a few of the blogs that some of the spark people started like , OneKidsMom.blogspot.com leanjean6.blogspot.com and a few others . I'm hoping to read them every few days . I do like the tracking on mynetdiary . . I forget are you just trying to maintain your weight loss or are you in the process of losing ? Take care .

I totally agree, I need to spend more time doing and not on the computer.

Hi Carolyn Well welcome to this little group . There is also another little big group called ; " Trying this ! Spark Friends! " if you wanted to join that also . It does seem to me we are all just doing our own little thing and not much back and forth with each other . But I personally don't think that's necessarily a bad thing , with sparkpeople closing up shop maybe everyone is tired emotionally and not wanting to talk back in forth as much . I don't know . Any ways welcome I hope you enjoy mynetdiary . I like the tracking . Take care .

Hi Sparkfriends! I was on spark for many many years. I'm glad to be here now! Maybe us sparkers can get the communities going!

Hi Susmax 1 and everyone else ; I hope you are doing good with your health plan , I have been doing alright until today Sat. Sept . 4th. I was not feeling too good and babied myself went over my calories for the day , by about 200 calories over . So I'm going to take a breath and just do better tomorrow Sunday , as you guys know the big thing is not to make it 2 or 3 days in a row where you don't stick to your plan . I hate not having my name down for the stuck to the food plan for 24 hrs."" Anywho"" tomorrow is a new day . If you have a few minutes tell us how your doing ? Take care .

Rosesareblue, I hope your Sunday and Monday went well. My long weekend is extended by a day as the school district I work for is taking the 7th & 16th off in September. My weekend went okay. I ate too many carbs the past 2 days (albeit most were healthy whole foods) and did not drink enough water yesterday. I am doing okay with tracking food, but forget about the water. I hope to scale back the carbs this week.

Do you all meal plan for the week or just take it day by day?

Hi Susmax1