Hidden sodium Topic

I did not know root vegetables, carrots, celery etc. have sodium! I found out today when my sodium went up when adding raw carrots and celery to my lunch! Any one know of other hidden sodium I should watch for?

As a matter of fact, science has evolved and you don't need to worry about your sodium intake. I have set mine manually to 20k, just so MND won't nag at me all the time. If you follow the guidelines, you are at an increased risk for cardiovascular issues. The optimal sweet spot for the highest longevity lies between 4 and 6 grams daily. That makes it 15g of regular salt. And most of the time you will not even want to consume that much. Just salt to taste. I got off all my 3 BP meds and I consume up to 10k of sodium daily. My readings are fine.

If you rather want to hear it from doctors, then check YouTube:

Dr. Ken Berry, MD - Salt (family physician)
Dr. Jason Fung, MD - Salt (nephrologist)
Dr. Paul Mason, MD - Salt (sports physician)
Or listen to any podcast with the author of "The Salt Fix", Dr. James DiNicolantonio, PHD - Salt

I could give you about 30 more, but for starters that should do. And you're welcome!

Hidden sodium