Hottie or Else 2018 Topics

Hoping to be a one-stop support spot for 40+ females striving to stay motivated, disciplined, consistent and committed to a achieving healthy weight loss goal or milestone by January 2018... Thinking posts might include such as inspirations, recipes, tips and even rants or questions. Encouraging, positive and supportive posts only, please...

Is it just me... 3 messages

Last message on 05/28/17 by --Michele--: I'm new to the whole group thing. I exercise and need to work on my diet! I'm a chocolate freak! Also, I'm exhausted! How do you deal with fatigue?

Hi 1 messages

Last message on 05/14/17 by Nick1971: Hi ladies I am a 45 year old single mum and I have struggled with weight all my life I am OVER the continual dieting and need to start now eating and being healthy - I have two girls that I need to be a role model for. I am starting AGAIN today and...

Hottie or Else 2018. Hoping to be a one-stop support spot for 40+ females striving to stay motivated, disciplined, consistent and committed to a achieving healthy weight loss goal or milestone by January 2018... Thinking posts might include such as inspirations, recipes, tips and even rants or questions. Encouraging, positive and supportive posts only, please...