How are we doing? Topic

I misspoke-I ate more last nigh and went way over.

I have been good for about 3 nights. However, yesterday was bad. I went to the Supermarket and bought a box of holiday chocolate chip cookies and at the whoe bvox.

I should know that I cant keep sweets at home. I will keep on my blog things that I know about myself -what works and does not.

Last night I went over goal to loss weight-stayed in maintenance range so at least not gaining weight.

Factors in eating too much-I was tired and there was cooked couscous on the stove and available.

While my eating has been going up,, it generally has stayed within weightloss range if calories burned by exercise are included.

However, last night I definitely overate. I ascribe it to three factors:
1) I overate rice-my husband made a big pot.
2) I was tired.
3) late grocery delivery. It had many tempting foods. I ordered a health dessert which I will cut out. I think it was a factor in overeating. I have been getting more daytime sweets now that i am out more. So far, that has not been too much of a problem. It is a night that it is a problem.

Another unbelievably bad night. I visited my mother which often precedes stress eating. My hospital made some pasta(I have trouble with rice, pasta at night) which I ate.

I also ate too much bread and waffles.

The good news is that I did do my knee exercises.

In addition,, I am having a hard time sleeping. I should read fiction, meditate and journal and night. I need to avoid

Again another bad eating night. My night eating is more implusive than daytime eating.

I had a my monthly glass of wine that did not help. My herb tea beverage is really quite relaxing.

Still doing badly-seeing more friends and eating more. My most implusive eatin is at night.

still doing bad. I was very tired last night. Lots of snacking. I have to remember that when I have been successful and curbing night eating, it is in part because I eat alot of fruits and vegetables at night.

Still not doing well but I have kept weight off. I have had more problems sleeping. I have found a meditation I like.

My reason for night eating changes. Right now when I have a hard time sleeping, I get up and get something to eat. I need to stay away from screens at night. I will need to read and journal more.

How are we doing?