How are we doing? Topic

Two out of three nights stayed within calorie range. I avoided starch at night,

I drink cocoa

thank you. I have a hot drink I could make. I do badly at starch at night.

I have been doing better at night. However, last night was awful. I worked latter than usual and was very tired.

I like Chamomile tea at night. I did ok last night assuming my estimate for calories for home baed brownies was accurate. I need to develop a relaxing night time routine. It will be hard to do tonight as i have night zoom meeting.

I did badly last night. Zoom meeting did it. Over goal and somethings were really early morning so I put it on for today.

My goal for today is to see if I can limit afternoon snacks.

I stayed within calorie range last night. I am amazed. I was very tired and just want to sleeo.

Stayed within calorie range

One night I stayed in calorie range but last night I went over it. My mistakes is that I had a late night grocery delivery and ordered two yogurts as a treat. I should know I cant keep sweets at home and at night my resolve goes down.

stayed in calorie range with exercise.

How are we doing?