How do I calculate the calories of a recipe with frying? Topic

When I add a new recipe, if it's a cake or something similar, I have all the knowledge of the ingredients,
But what about dough or anything else fried in oil? I don't know how much oil the product has absorbed, how can I calculate it?

Welcome to MyNetDiary!
Yes, recipe entry when baking and knowing the portions of different ingredients is more straightforward. If the oil is very hot while frying, less oil will be absorbed. Might you estimate a 10% increase in calories from the frying oil? Don't be too concerned if this is not 100% accurate. You'll move towards your health goals by cutting back on portions, regularly tracking (even if it isn't perfect), engaging in regular, planned, exercise as able, and maintaining overall consistency. Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thank u!!

You are welcome. We are happy to help:) Joanna

Hi. I have been diagnosed with reactlive hypoglycemia. So I am following a hypoglycemic diet - i.e. high good fat and lots of protein and eat small portions 6 times a day. I also have low blood pressure. My Dr told me to increase my salt intake. Should I increase my protein level and sodium levels in MyNetDiary? I know we don't know how much sodium. Do you have an educated guess? Many thanks.

Hi there- Welcome to MyNetDiary! Tracking is an excellent tool to see how our food choices impact our health goals.
The MyNetDiary app default for protein is 20% of calories. For example, someone following a 1,600 calorie plan, this translates to 80grams of protein/day or 20g per meal and 10g/snack. I don't believe you will require more protein than this with hypoglycemia. Pay attention to how you feel and your food for 2 weeks and then if you find you need more protein you can raise it to 22% while decreasing your carbohydrates from 45% to 43%. For sodium, the default is no more than 2,300mg/day. I would recommend following your doctor's guidelines since they know your complete health history. This article outlines modifying nutrient targets in the app (which you may find helpful):
FYI: The developers are phasing out this community format. The best way to reach the dietitian forum is on either Android or iOS mobile app.
In good health~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

How do I calculate the calories of a recipe with frying?