How do I motivate myself to workout, and how do I make a fitness plan? Topic

hi guys, i’m kind of new to exercise and calorie counting and etc. but I go on 1-2 mile walks almost every day and I try to stay lightly active during the day too. How do I make a fitness plan? Am I supposed to exercise different parts of my body every day? Am I supposed to only work out a few times per week? And most importantly, how do I even motivate myself to do it?

Hey so I work out Monday-Friday. Almost two years in and how I’ve learned and they’ve told me is to do either pull and push day. Do one day push day and next time pull and a rest day in between of just cardio with all over body work out. Or what I do is Monday Wednesday is lower body work outs, glutes, legs and core. And Tuesday and Thursday is arms,back and core. Fridays I do swimming. I always try to get 12k steps in. Honestly staying motivated is hard af. Also what helps the most is staying consistent on a schedule so try working out at the same time everyday. I usually go at 6 am and I notice that if I dnt go at that time I won’t go so I just keep going at the same time everyday. It also helps since I shower then get ready for work so I feel accomplished.

Hi Katelyn,

Glad to hear you are planning to start a fitness plan! It will help you lose weight and improve many aspects of your health. Here are some articles to get you motivated and started.

There are many motivating and informative exercise articles in our library. Check it out!

Keep us posted about your plan and progress! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thank you both!!!

You think about how much she will miss you if you obtain that physique

You just need self discipline! Most people think it’s about motivation but discipline is just as important if not more. Once you form that habit it will be like second nature

Find something you enjoy doing! If you want to lift, it’s good to keep a balance of muscle groups. Don’t overdo it, especially in the beginning. If your legs are sore, opt for a different group. Giving your body time to recover is one of the most important things or else it’ll be a dread every time you go. It does get more fun as you see more changes in your body. Good luck!

I agree with all of these, but especially Lillemur - fine something you enjoy. This might take awhile as you explore options, because there are so many. So, maybe try a different activity every 30 days or so. Sometimes you try something new and you wind up loving it, even though you thought you would hate it. Have fun being a newbie & learning! Also, think of things you loved in the past, even if they aren't "trendy" right now. I used to love step aerobics and so I found some great routines on YouTube and I have a blast doing them in my living room, with my old step! You just never know what you might love. : ) Hope you find a workout and program!! The best workout is the one you'll DO.

How do I motivate myself to workout, and how do I make a fitness plan?