How do I program MyNetDiary for my new Carb Cycling Diet Topic

I am starting a Carb cycling diet this week and trying to configure MyNetDiary so that it automatically adjusts my macros to fit my new diet plan. Help!

Hi U1192226822,

Thanks for your question. Go to My Weight Plan, then scroll over to Cycling. There you can select Day Cycling Settings. When you tap on each day it will allow you to select macros cycling settings. You can then set it in grams or % macros. If you need additional help setting this up, please reach out to the support team at

Hope this helps! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hi can you help please, how many carbs is good a day, with 1444 Calories a day

Hi there U1196108004-
I am guessing you are using the app for weight loss?

The standard macronutrient default setting for MyNetDiary is 45% of calories from carbohydrates. This translates to 162g of carbohydrates per day. Strive to spread out your carbs evenly between meals and snacks.
The app is easy to individualize. Simply modify this target under My Plan > Macro Distribution if you'd prefer something different.
Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

How do I program MyNetDiary for my new Carb Cycling Diet