How is everyone doing? Topic

Thanks to PMS my weightloss has been nothing this week and I even messed up big time by eating a candy bar and having a Starbucks frappucino, lol

I am ok things have just been stressful and busy.

Anna, I gained 7 pounds last week during the PMS cycle. SEVEN! I waited 9 days to get back on the scale and miraculously I was down 8. So annoying!

Wow yeah, the water weight of PMS alone can have us frightened. Glad you came back from it and hope all is still well with you. I have not been eating properly so I have neither gained, nor lost. Really focusing on getting back to being more mindful. Trying to find time to take time to eat is tricky, but it is important as rush choices or eating makes things worse.

How is everyone doing?