How to Exclude Carbs from Exercise-add but keep adding Kilojoules? Topic

Hi there, I'm struggling to get the iOS App to behave like I need... I'm doing Low Carb and by seeking to be at or under 50g of Carb each day, and I'd like to know how many more Kj I can eat when I add exercise (not always predictable amount of Exercise). unfortunately when I have add exercise to kilojoule count set to ON the app also adds some additional grams of Carbs to my daily target. Is there a setting that allows the app to add exercise to Kilojoule count but not alter the Carb target?


Hello Sean. That is not possible at the moment because your KJ budget is calculated from your macronutrients. With the budget increase, targets for macros will increase slightly. From what I can see in your case, your carbs have not passed 50g.

Daniil M.
MyNetDiary Tech.Support

How to Exclude Carbs from Exercise-add but keep adding Kilojoules?