I'm the Newbie Topic

Hello everyone! Looking for some support. I've been on a "weight loss journey" since May 2012. Looking to get down a total of 60 lbs. and as of last Friday, down 34 lbs. It's been a lot "slower" than I originally expected but that is 100% my fault. I'll do really well for a few weeks then completely off for a few weeks, etc. Anyway, as of the start of the year I am 100% in becuase I refuse to get to the 1 year mark and not had reached my goal. I need Jesus! (lol) or at least someone that can guide me through the last 25 lbs. Help!!!!

Hi OhNoTheBig3-0 - great nickname! Glad you found us. You can do this - just keep experimenting to find what is the right approach for you. The only thing that guarantees failure is to simply stop trying.

Have you checked out the library of articles yet? On the main website: http://www.mynetdiary.com/diet-and-weight-loss-resources.html

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE
Consulting Dietitian with MyNetDiary

I'm the Newbie