If you are here.....You need to stay Topic

We all know how hard it is to lose weight. All of the studies I've read basically painted a very dismal picture for us. But we stuck it out and we have obtained our first goal, our ultimate goal, or have lost at least 10% of our beginning body weight.

Well it gets tougher. In a recently published article by the New England Journal of Medicine, it states the approximately 75% of us will either return to our prior weight or gain a "significant" amount of our weight back.

It also stated that one of the key ingredients for those that succeeded in their study was being an active participant in a strong support group either face to face or through the internet.

Let's get together and help one another.

PLEASE JOIN I need your help!

Thanks Maptab for keeping us up and running :D

I am here and I think I will need some support as I enter a new phase which is maintenance. A entirely different scenario...

Welcome Jodie -- we're here to help each other through the trials and tribulations of maintenance or pre-maintenance (which is where I am now).


Love your new "after" photo, Jodie! :)

Thanks Susan so much :D I need to resize it...

I now wish I had a better before, I know I had some terrible photos, where I could see how heavy i had gotten but I can't find a one...I should have taken more photos on this journey, it is a regret of mine.

A picture progression to really take stock of where I came from and where I want to be. As at times, I look in the mirror and I don't see a change..or I see a picture take now and I zone in on the faults rather than celebrate.

I'm totally the same way! Often I find myself still looking at what I see as flaws in the mirror, despite the fact that I've done so well. Usually I realize it and stop myself from being so critical, but sometimes I don't quite catch myself in time.

It was actually a picture of me that made me realize how heavy I'd actually gotten, and motivated me to start this whole process. I can't bring myself to post it publicly though as I hate it so much (and I'm also in my pajamas). I wish I'd done weekly progress pictures though -- I think I'd appreciate how much I've changed even more.


I hate cameras it is similar to how I felt about scales. I have discovered that I never REALLY saw myself as as big as I was and now I don't see myself at this size either. My husband and I did have a profess. picture just done and I look at it in amazement. Guess the size issue will come with time. Have a great day Fran

Where is Maptab? Hope all is well with you. Still very thankful to you for starting this group.

I miss Mike so much. Hope he comes back soon. I would be great if comes back. Keep hoping all is well and that he knows he is in my thoughts

Hi Mike, if you are out there!

If you are here.....You need to stay