Increasing calories Topic

Hello, I’ve had this app for about 3 weeks. My first 2.5 weeks I ate around 350 calories a day, while my budget is 1200 (yes I logged everything I ate correctly). I also worked out on the elliptical 5 times a week, which burned about 300. I often had a negative intake. Although I lost 11 pounds it was making me feel constantly tired, and I had trouble focusing. The past two days I have tried to increase the calories up into the 400-600 range along with drinking 80 fl oz, eating over 20g of protein, and keeping my same exercise pattern. This morning, I weighed myself and noticed I’d gained over half a pound. Is this normal? Do I need to go back down to eating under 400 to see more weight loss? I need advice.

u could die from consistently eating that little and if you start eating more after losing weight you’ll put it all back on super fast

If I don’t want to gain the weight back, do I need to slowly increase calories? I know what I was doing wasn’t healthy but I don’t want to put it all back on.

Ive been doing the same thing. Do u have an ed or ed tendancies? Its hard to eat more if u do have ed tendancies and im sorry if ur struggling with this. If you keep consistent with 1.2k calories you will still lose weight. Maybe not a pound everyday but u will def see changes. Keep consistent with a calorie deficite that isnt too low or u will gain weight after eating too little by bingeing too many calories bc ur body is craving nutrients.

don’t just eat calories, eat healthy calories, slowly build up calories, as your metabolism has to build back up since it’s been adjusted to save calories as much as possible.

don’t just eat calories, eat healthy calories, slowly build up calories, as your metabolism has to build back up since it’s been adjusted to save calories as much as possible.

Thanks. I’ve been thinking that I might have an ed, but I feel like I haven’t been showing symptoms long enough for a diagnosis.

Also thanks I’ll try to slowly build my metabolism up

Increasing calories