Introduce yourself Topic

Sorry for the late reply, but I welcome you to our group. I know it’s odd but you can start craving when you ain’t as nurised as you should be. Yeah it can be difficult I have been off my target myself. But hey I’m here today ??

Yeah I guess the resistance may slow that down, but it’s okay to try. Just don’t beat yourself up if you don’t reach that. Because each step of change helps in the long run to make it a life long habit for a healthy lifestyle keep kicking goals

Hi all, I'm a 24 year old South African on a journey to lose 52kg (SW - 112.2kg CW - 109.3kg). I've started intermittent fasting and step aerobics to help burn calories. I hope you guys can help me when the cravings start calling.

Hey ?? how are you finding fasting?

Hey ?? how are you finding fasting?

I've been doing it for a few weeks now, and honestly it was challenging dealing with the fatigue in the beginning, but now I think its great. Its so much harder to eat above my calorie goal when I only have limited time to do it. It also seems to have evened out my sleep schedule which is a nice bonus.

That’s great to hear! Keep it up!

Hi, I have been logging my food here for a week now. I have 100 lbs. to lose altogether but I just put down 20 lbs. to lose to take small steps. So far I find this is really helping me to pay attention to what I am putting in my mouth. With all the changes that are going on in the world right now I would usually overeat because of stress or anxiety.

Looking to share this journey with others trying to do the same thing. So far I lost 4.6 lbs. the first week which is a huge change for me. I put down to lose 2 lbs. a week but I figure because I have so much to lose that it was a big drop.

I really like the calorie cycling part of this app. It will be great in helping me to get this weight off. I figure now that I am working from home and seeing less people I really have no excuse to keep gaining weight. I have more time to focus on me and eat at home the right kind of foods.

I look forward to chatting with you all here.

Hello everyone! I've used MND off and on for years, but I'm ready to really dig in and make it work this time. I've been spinning my wheels too long, and I've tried everything, but keep returning to MND because it has all the things I need to track my progress, I just need to keep this motivation going so I can lose the 50-100 lbs I need to in order to get my life back and health under control.
I have an especially hard time getting up and moving, so I'd be interested to see how others have overcome that first hurdle.

My name is Marin i was overweight 140 lb+ and i try years many exercise and diets but nothing working for me until i discover an Breakthrough research published in the Journal of Obesity has revealed you will NEVER lose fat unless you do this bizarre habit every morning to activate metabolism and TORCH fat!

It has a 97% success rate...

It is 5x more effective than exercise....

and 6x more effective than any diet!

And guess what? They found its 3x MORE effective than gastric bypass surgery at turbo-charging metabolism and burning stubborn fat...

==> Bizarre Habit Melts Away Stubborn Belly Fat!
PS. Discover this strange habit to activate metabolism before they take this video down...


Introduce yourself