Introduce yourself Topic

Hey everyone this group has been created for us to motivate each other to achieve our goals & yeah and to have a great chat at the motivation lounge.

Let’s start with.

You’re name - mines Amelia
Where you’re from - I’m from Newcastle, Australia ????
You’re current and future goals - live healthy and a happier life. Lose weight I’m currently sitting on 132kg wanting to currently get to 65kg then half way through work harder on muscle building
Your strengths - I have hope, have a past when younger I loved sports, I loveeeee fresh home cooked meals ??????
Weaknesses we can support with - hear other stories for motivation, occasionally get off track, and getting enough sleep
What would you like to get from here - I like make some friendships
Your hobby’s and interest - sport, music, movies Snapchat
Anything else you like to add go right ahead ??

I'm Tammy but I prefer 'T' :)
I'm from Goulburn Australia. So we're both Australians Amelia :P
Current and future goals? I'm not great with goal making...something that frustrates my horse riding instructor. Anyways I was fit and healthy when I was a teenager living on a farm, running everywhere and then I put on some weight at uni. I lost weight in 2017 prior to an operation when they told me that I had to stop eating fat. So I had a 'healthy' but unbalanced diet which allowed me to lose 10kg in 10 weeks. I loved how I could see anything in the store and knew it fitted. I want that feeling back after having two very large babies that did a fair bit of muscle damage. I want to be able to move around without my joints complaining and not feel like I'm twice my age. I want to get back on my horse and compete with the teenagers like I was doing in my mid 20's with the fitness to keep up! I need to weigh myself but I guess I'm about 80kg as I've sat around there since my youngest was born after loosing a little. I plan to get 62kg again. That's what I was and I will do it again but in a healthier way! :D
Strengths? I have two toddlers that require me to move around a lot. I have my horses.
Weaknesses? I can't seem to lose the weight lower than what I am. The dr. is confused as well as I can eat a strict salad diet for months and nothing happens. I also should have a FODMAP diet as I can't absorb fructose so most fruit and many other foods are a no-no. I am also allergic to nuts so snacks can be hard.
What do I want to get from here? I would love to make some friendships! I would love the support and I just love trying to help people.
Hobbies and interests? um was horses until the children required a lot of attention :P I like K-dramas, music, and sharing knowledge (I'm a teacher too lol).

Hi I’m Cara from Queensland. I’m 99.1kg and am trying this app to get healthier and feel better about myself. The app is good but I need some support from other people as I’m a huge emotional eater and seem to always find an excuse why I “need” chocolate, hungry jacks, etc. I tend to be really good for a few days then binge for a few days.

I don’t eat meat but love cake and anything sweet. I love cats and all animals and also worked in a school until recently when I’ve had some health problems (more reasons to eat well and lose some weight)! Nice to meet you guys :)

We all Australians ?????? it’s nice to meet you both and yes this is a great place for us to work on this. Sorry it’s 2am so I give a better reply to you both I’m the morning.

We all Australians ?????? it’s nice to meet you both and yes this is a great place for us to work on this. Sorry it’s 2am so I give a better reply to you both I’m the morning.

Hi All!

I'm glad you made a group for motivation! I have a few friends who are interested in losing weight, but none have been motivated enough to follow through so I'm hoping for some mental and emotional support because some days are great and some days are a struggle.

I'm Isabelle, and I'm from NYC. The good thing that came out of the pandemic was that I was able to be on a consistent routine and eat healthier because I'm at home, and I can prepare my own food and snacks. Working out is still a struggle, but it's a work in progress.

I have a very modest goal. I like to lose 1 lb (~.5 kg) per week with an overall weight loss of 13 lbs (~6 kg) by my birthday. I've been gaining weight every year for the past 5 years and would like to stop this pattern.

My strengths - I love eating, and I don't mind eating greens and healthy food. I love to eat. It's actually my strength AND my weakness.

My weakness - My work have busy times and slow times, and during busy times, I don't make healthy choices. Plus when I am stressed, I eat sweets or just eat alot in general. When I'm busy, I choose quick and easy and sometimes that means eating out alot and grabbing whatever is convenient.

I've been consistent for over a month, but NYC is slowly opening up, and I hope I can keep the consistency.

One thing that has helped me is that I got a small pint size ice cream maker. I use coconut milk with mash bananas and a slash of vanilla extract and puree it for the ice cream base. Then I can add the toppings. The ice cream is not as creamy as the real thing, but it has enough sweetness, and I'm less guilty eating it. Plus it makes about 1.5 cups max at a time, and I can make 1 cup of ice cream and that is more than enough to satisfy my cravings.

Hi! What a brilliant idea! Wow. NYC. I heard a rumour that it really was open all night. Is that true? (would that help with exercising or getting together with others to do activities?)

You’re name - My name is Stefan
Where you’re from - In Belgium
You’re current and future goals - Looking Leaner, on the way to drop 15.7kg.
Your strengths - Love to eat!
Weaknesses - So many foods to choose from..
What would you like to get from here - I like make some friendships to!
Your hobby’s and interest - Walking, Yoga, going to the movies

Hi Stefan! Great to meet you! :D

Nice to meet you both ?? feel free to start your own forums in the group and some one will definitely follow up with you. It’s a very new group but it’s going so well!

Oh it sounds so much like nice cream! I been meaning to try making some.

You can definitely make some friendships on here ??

Welcome ??

Introduce yourself