Introduction Topic
Hello! I'm new to the MyNetDiary community, but experienced with NetDiary. After a few months off the wagon, relocating and separating from my douse, I am happy to be back and eager to get to know each of you.
I am 42 and I have about 90 pounds to lose. I live in the Tampa area, 4 kids, 3 live at home (one set of twins), looking for work (teacher), and aside from my body image, I'm a very happy person with an active life.
Tell me about you!
Hi all! I'm new here, too, and excited to be part of this community. I've tried other groups online but never found the resources or support that kept me on the straight and narrow. After looking around this site, I can see that MyNetDiary is different.
I'm 35 with 100 pounds to lose. I know that slow and steady is the best way to get it off and keep it off. Looking forward to meeting lots of new people and finally getting this pounds off on a permanent vacation.
replied to HenryLouDog
Good Luck to you! one day at a time... one bite at a time... one step at a time.
replied to HenryLouDog
Hi Tina,
I am new to this group and on the same path as you but I am otherwise healthy aside from my weight. I am looking to lose in excess of 100lbs. I have tried numerous times and seem to always fall off the wagon and gain it all back. I am really focused this time and I need to stay motivated so I am hoping that participating in these forums will help keep me on track. I am down 20 since Jan 2, 2011 and hoping to keep momentum. I used to be very much addicted to diet soda and have since switched to water during the day and the change has been amazing. I truly believe the diet soda was making me crave food. I don't seem to be going through the normal cravings I have experienced in the past with diets. I can't say for sure that it isnthe water but it sure seems that way. Good luck to you and hopefully we can keep each other moving in the right direction.
hi Tina, Ryan, Henry, Sara!
I'm also going after similar goals. After starting diet about a month ago, I have lost about 10 lbs. I still have another 66 lb to go before I get to 200 lb. I'm a male in late 30s. I am trying to regain my health and get in shape as I probably will have to look for a new job later this year. I feel that I've been weight discriminated on occasions so I'd like to address that.
Good luck to everyone here!
replied to PistonGuard007
Good Luck to you as well!
replied to PistonGuard007
Nice job on the 10lbs! I just recently made it to 25 marker! I am feeling very motivated these days so I am hoping to keep up this momentum.
Hi, my name is Colleen, and I just found this app/site! It looks like this is the place to be to help with motivation, yes? I want to lose about 80 lbs, to get back down to a safe BMI. I used to be there, *sigh* then I hit 27 years....Working on weight loss for a class project too, so keep me honest, please!
Hi Everyone ~ Ryan, I drink a LOT of Diet Coke. It is my one major vice, I think. I'm not sure it causes me cravings, but I know it is not good for me. I am going to try to eliminate some of the diet cokes for water this month.
My goal is to lose 58 pounds this year. But I think when I reach that goal, I will probably want to lose about 25 more. But I am going to wait and see...
I lost about 10 pounds in December, before I started with MyNetDiary. I have tried dieting, half-heartedly, before, but this time I think I am really dedicated to seeing it through, for a real life-style change. As I get older, more and more health issues are surfacing.
I am definately not a person who enjoys exercise. But I am walking more, even if just up and down our road. I will try to use the Wii more, too.
I have just been told by my doctor that I am pre diabetic and that I need to lose over 50lbs so I am trying netdiary to help me..I started on the 16th of January and have already lost 2lbs....I also never realised how much I was over eating I mean my portion sizes was ridiculous....hope to lose steadily look forwards to being SLIM again.