Introductions Topic

My name is chad, and I am a programmer who has been a vegan for 10 years. I am a total foodie and love to cook, thus making me in the very small population of overweight vegans.

My name is Erin and I have just celebrated my 9 year veganniversary, YAY! I heart people in general and vegans in particular. I have a bachelors in nutrition and I am currently working as a nutrition educator while I wait for an internship. I only have a few pounds to lose but I like using food tracker software to help me eat as healthy as I know I should :)!

Welcome! And congrats on 9 years, that is great! Any nutrition tips for Vegans would be great and always welcome.

Hello! I was a vegetarian for 7 years and had a 1 1/2 year exploration of the omnivore lifestyle. I didn't like it, I gained more weight and felt poorly. I'm back to vegetarianism and moving into vegan territory. I'm 98% of the way there, so, it's nice to know I have some vegan support here.

Welcome! Glad to hear you returned to vegetarianism and working towards the goal of being a vegan. So what is the remaining 2%? :)

Well in the last week a dash of cheese on a beets salad and a taste of omnivore boyfriends greens that included a poached egg (both eating out on valentines day) but that's it. My non-vegan are growing far and few in-between.

I am a lifelong vegetarian and trying to be vegan since Oct. 2011. I have dairy maybe once a month. I'm loving it so far and it helps me eat better and feel better!
I would love to know is anyone else here could use encouragement to exercise regularly. Can we may be report to each other once a week and hold each other accountable?
Thank you!

That is a wonderful idea, any suggestions on how we should do it would be wonderful. I try to exercise daily but have those days where I get in a rut and take to many days off so some encouragement would be great. That is awesome that you have been a lifelong vegetarian. Dairy is a tough thing to give up. Daiya, Earth Balance, and Almond milk are my saviors in that regard.

Dairy can be rough. I'm fortunate in that I'm somewhat lactose intolerant, so I didn't use it much anyway.
I think that's a great idea too! I make another group topic for it called: Weekly Workout Check-In.

Hi all!

My name is Rebecca andI am an artist, mother and gluten-free (1 1/2 years) vegan (5 years). I am trying to bounce back from a bout of long-term illness that has taken a toll on me physically partially due to being unable to exercise as well as learning to change my diet. I am still in physical pain so exercise has been a slow process but I am working with chiropractor/physical therapist and hope to be feeling stronger soon. I am looking forward to being a part of this group!
