Is it ok? Topic

Is eating 1,000-1,100 calories a day ok, and does it speed up weight loss?

i’ve heard that cutting calories significantly can lead to your body slowing down your metabolism in an attempt to conserve body mass; and therefore it causes you to hold onto weight.

you're only going to hurt yourself if you do this. you need to eat enough food in order to lose weight, and if your body is starving, it'll hold onto extra pounds to preserve itself.

Only if it’s the odd day, and you balance it with higher calorie days. Look up calorie cycling and use your body’s hunger signals as a cue for which days should be higher or lower calorie. Figure out your daily average (say, 1500), calculate your weekly average, then spread out those weekly calories in different amounts. It doesn’t have to be an exact number. Some days you might naturally only eat 1100 calories because you’re not that hungry and other days, you could eat 1800 calories because you’re more hungry. It not only balances out but is a good way to keep your metabolism working well. It’s how humans eat when they eat naturally without calorie counting or restriction. The easiest way to track this, if you want to track, is to set your calories at the higher goal (say, 1800) and on days you’re under, well, you’re under, but on days you eat more, you don’t have an overage making you feel like you failed somehow.

Personally, I’m using My Net Diary’s Carb Genius because I don’t want to count calories. I’m focusing on protein and carb intake (50 net grams of carbs from whole food sources and 100 to 120 grams of protein). Macros are more important for satiety, fat loss, and body composition than calories.

Hi U1194731360,

Unless you are under a doctor's supervision, we generally don't recommend you go below 1200 calories per day so you can get all the nutrients, including vitamins and minerals daily.
Can you bump up the exercise to burn the extra calories needed for weight loss? Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Is it ok?