Jake's weight loss journey Topic

Today is the 24th of February 2024 and more than ever I feel determined to get through this goal of mine: to lose weight. I've struggled a lot over the past few years after being in a domestic abuse relationship and then being homeless after escaping amongst other things and food was always a source of comfort for me.

It wasn't until lockdown that I suddenly stopped fitting into my clothes and I would opt for more stretchy material and buy my clothes online because I couldn't get my size in the shop.

That to me is mortifying, it's like, I'm so big to the point I can't do what other people can do easily and I've decided that I want to do something about it, over the past week or two I've recorded my food but I didn't change anything about it, I wanted to see what sort of things I was eating normally so I can make a change because I know if I start my brand new diet using the app I would be giving it a false idea that this is my normal diet.

I've got a wedding to attend on the 1st of June and I'm determined to try to lose weight before then, it won't be perfect but it'll be a start. I need to stop feeling guilty on rest days, I think that's my biggest issue, where I go from zero to one hundred and if I'm not in the gym, then I feel like I've gotten back to square one, especially when I check the scales the next day and the weights gone up.

I'll be fine, but I thought I'd use this to keep track of my thoughts and feelings and hopefully, I'll be able to get through this journey and learn new skills as I go!

Jake's weight loss journey