January 2016 Topic
Let's get this team ramped up again! I know this is a holiday for many of you, but when you are back online, let's start sharing ideas and motivational tips.
What I am doing to kick off the New Year: eating a great meal but not too much + 2 drinks max for the entire evening. The focus will be on socializing and connecting with others. I'll exercise today before the party, and then I'll include exercise as part of socializing with others tomorrow (likely a walk, or possibly snow shoeing). New Year's Day means good food, but I portion control and typically don't drink alcohol (the party the night before is enough). January 2nd means I'm back on track.
Happy New Year!
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RDN, CDE
Team host
How's it going, folks? Let's hear how you are doing now that the busy work work has started up again!
Check in - how are folks doing? Is your Plan practical?
replied to Dietitian
I'm a little late joining this group. I have planned to walk 45min-1hr. a minimum of 4 days a week and eat a low carb diet which I have done before. I have 77 pounds to lose. Things have been busy and I am looking forward to things slowing down in March and making some new recipes. But for now I'm keeping it simple and learning to forgive and love myself unconditionally! Let's keep going! We've got this!
replied to Swtvictory
Glad you have you with us, Swtvictory. I find that picking a few high ticket items and swapping those out can help as an initial move. For me, that is limiting how much dining out I do.
Have a plan for activity when the weather is rotten. What can you do at home? Stairs, marching, jump rope, Wii boxing, dancing, etc. Or, can you get to the gym?
Moving more is important. Many of us get into trouble when we stop exercising - how do we fill that time? Sometimes, it's eating more out of boredom.
Just something to think about.
January 2016