Just starting Topic

Hi, I'm experienced at keto and have just joined MND. I currently have my macros set at 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs. I just went under 200 for the first time in 10 years and am looking forward to losing even more.

It has been a few months since you posted and I am wondering how you are doing?

Losing steadily but slowly which is the best way to lose. I eat like this for diabetes and my real win is my fasting glucose in the morning is usually under 90 and I never go over 120 post-prandial. I start lifting weights again on Monday which is something that's been on hold due to surgery. How are you doing?

Hi, I'm just starting on a keto diet and just joined MND so it's all a bit new.

I am doing okay. I am also eating keto to help with bloodsugars. My readings are improving. I go to the doctor on the 16th...I hope to see much improvement.

If you started lifting on Monday, are you pretty sore? What did you have surgery on?

BTW, happy new year!!!


You can do it. What do you want to accomplish by changing how you eat?

Not sore from lifting at all. If you use proper body mechanics you won't tear muscle which is what causes the soreness. My surgery was a total radical hysterectomy so lets of abdominal muscles were cut. I had to wait for total healing to start lifting again and to work on my core.

I'm keeping my blood sugars below 100 most of the time but never exceed 110. Once you hit 120 you're doing internal damage. No diabetic meds - just eating keto.

Deb, for weight loss in lifting you do lower weights with more reps and more sets. For instance, I do 3 sets of 15 reps for most of my lifting. I will maintain or improve my muscle tone and, at the same time, help displace some of the fat I've put on while not being able to do much more than the treadmill. It lower weights you aren't going to have the muscle tears you get with high weights and low reps/low sets.

Hi All! I've been on mynetdiary before but I just started Keto a week ago today. I've been very lucky my ketostix turned pink after just one day, my body seems to be adapting well. I also count calories (1200 a day) as currently I'm only trying to lose the last 5 kilos (10 lb) and I don't believe i can go overboard with all the calories. I am very good in general, 70% fat 20% protein 5% carb is what i'm aiming for, which would be like 15 g of carbs but most of the time I don't even reach that from carbs (this would be 15 g). I'm going to the gym to classes but I find it very hard as I have no energy and I'm also having many issues in my private life and I know myself and I'm scared I will give up very soon.... So in short I am looking for support, like a keto buddy if somebody's up for it!

Ketostix will drive you nuts. If you're burning fat you're losing ketone bodies through your urine which is what the stix measure. BUT: ketostix simply are not very accurate. For instance, when you get up in the morning and measure ketones in your first urine of the day, your urine is very concentrated due to lack of hydration throughout the night whilst sleeping. When you become better hydrated throughout the day, it appears that your ketones are dropping. If you're new to ketogenic dieting you will have a week or two of low energy, then, as you adapt to this new lifestyle, you will have energy. Be sure to keep you fat up - 75-80%. I get my best workouts on very high fat.

To get you through the first couple of weeks of adapting, drink plenty of beef or chicken broth with a good salt - celtic sea salt or pink himalayan salt to keep your electrolytes up. You may also want to supplement with magnesium and potassium. Me and most of my friends make our own broth rather than buying broth at the store. Most store bought broth has sugar in one form or another added to it (I have no clue why anyone would want to ruin perfectly good broth with sugar).

As for support - you are your best buddy. If you want to do this - you will. It's a choice and it's a choice only you can make. Forget about being scared and giving up - make up your mind it's NOT an option to give up.

Good luck to you. I'm in and out of here a couple of times a day so I can give tips if you ask for them.

Just starting