Keto Plateau Topic

Hi all-
Im currently following the Ketogenic lifestyle (diet).
Ive hit a plateau after two months. I have begun trying to faithfully log EVERYTHING i eat through the mynetdiary app along with calorie intake. Ive begun an exercise routine (which I had not previously been doing) mainly just walking 2 or more miles a day. I find that researching this topic online give lots of contradictory advice.

Any suggestions on how to break through this plateau, regardless of diet type, would be great.

Thank you all!

A slow down or stop of weight loss isn't really a plateau until you been stuck in the same place for a month or so.

What are your macronutrient percentages of your daily calorie intake?

For instance: I'm keto primal and upped my fat to 75%, Carbs (this is all carbs NOT net carbs) are at 5% and protein is at 20%. The higher I keep my fat the better my weight loss.

Dairy, artifial sweeteners and not enough fluids can be part of a weight stall problem. Eating "low carb" junk food is still eating junk food - no shakes, bars or anything else as the sugar alcohols will stall weight loss like crazy.

Keep your foods real and cook from fresh as much as possible. Fresh veggies are pretty expensive right now so plain frozen (no sauces) or canned are acceptable but frozen is better.

Don't be afraid of butter, olive oil (NO seed oils), coconut oil, non-hydrogenated lard or plain old bacon fat. Also don't be afraid of fatty meats - saturated fat has been vilified for years but is actually good for you.

Walking is an excellent exercise and I use the treadmill every single day and do resistance weight training switching from upper body one day to lower body the next.

Good luck.

Thank you, Lindacasto7430

Keto Plateau