MyNetDiary Person: Kristl



Weight chart

Weight Plan

  • Start weight: 187.6lbs on 01/01/22
  • Current weight: 141lbs
  • Weight loss wanted: about 6lb
  • Timeframe: 22 days
  • Lost so far: about 46.6lb

About me

Current goal: Get back to my high school weight, be in the best shape of my 53-year life, and live past 100 years old with no neurological diseases!
Favorite diets: Low FODMap, Low Glutamate (I follow both, together, which is not easy)
Favorite activities: Roller Skating, Trampoline Jumping, Elliptical, and Weight Lifting
Need help with: My challenges are constipation, skin issues, anxiety etc. Glutamate causes the skin issues and anxiety attacks. FODMaps cause the constipation, back pain and more. I take Advil everyday. I don't want to need that anymore.
Geographic area: Spokane, Washington, USA
More info: 25mg of Zoloft, daily. 2021 Successes: Worked with dietician on fiber, protein, and greens, daily. 20 mins exercise, daily. Very proud of my 2021 progress, ready to amp it up in 2022.