MyNetDiary Person: Krys1018

Weight chart

Weight Plan

  • Start weight: 179.8lbs on 10/19/21
  • Current weight: 187.8lbs
  • Weight loss wanted: about 20lb
  • Timeframe: 52 days
  • Lost so far: none

About me

Current goal: to lose 35lbs while getting lean, fit, and toned.
Favorite diets: vegan. It’s been interesting to learn how to cook again. Learning how to make smarter food choices and prioritizing my health when eating.
Favorite activities: walking my dog, taking relaxing hot baths, and reading. I am enjoying my time in solitude.
Need help with: Staying consistent, but I’m getting better everyday.
Geographic area:
More info: I’ve came along way I was 195lbs at the end of Dec 2018 and now I’m 170lbs in July 2022. It’s been a roller coaster ride over the past 4 years but I haven’t gave up on my goals.