Late night cravings Topic

So usually I can do super well all day but late at night I get these awful cravings for super bad junk food that won't go away no matter what I do. Any ideas guys?

Same here ????

Cravings - is it a craving or true hunger and can you tell the difference? If you are under-eating calories or trying to create too large of a calories deficit, then that can definitely cause excess hunger later in the evening. Or, if you typically skip meals and eat one large meal at dinner - that can also start of a cycle of eating for hours - it's not just dinner.

Most of us eat from boredom - the "cravings" are filling a need. If you are not truly hungry, can you have a list of things to do instead of eating? Drinking tea, read a book, clean out a closet? Seriously, it helps to have a list of things to keep you occupied.

And of course, it is far easier to avoid eating junk foods if you simply don't have access to them. That is, stop buying and keeping them in your home or where you work.

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It's tough but it can be done. It's a mindset :) I used to eat Doritos along with donuts late at night. I slowly started making changes and being more conscious to what late night snacking do to my body. I just couldn't do it anymore :( I started making small changes eating my dinner no later than 7pm, eating slow, appreciating the nutrients in my food. I'm not perfect and I crave sweets when I'm on my period ( TMI sorry ) so I started looking up what it means when you crave certain foods and replacing it with good food. Knowledge is power! If you have information in your head is harder to cave and go for bad foods when you know you'll be moving away from your health goal. To me, Doritos and donuts are in the past :) I still crave them though lol

You could also just keep eating the junk food then making yourself work off all of the calories every single time you cheat and after about 3-4 times of burning the calories you eat off at the gym you will start to look and things and be like it's not even worth the 3 miles it's what I do it helps a lot ??

Hi Noah_27j- Your idea is another example of mind over matter. Cravings are all about mind over matter for sure! To those of you who struggle with cravings, If you haven't had a chance to look into these tips, check them out. They may give you some new ideas! Joanna (Dietician)
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I’m exactly the same my biggest struggle is the evenings. I think staying up too late didn’t help...I found going to bed earlier made me think ok I’m going to bed so I’ll I can’t eat now. Also drinking water loads of water helped fill me up and also drinking de caf coffee with a sweetener helped if I was having a craving but I’m sure here’s people that would disagree with the coffee idea but it works for me. Also I stopped buying the bad food I found if it wasn’t in the cupboard I thought about it less.

My hubby and I used to have a ritual of a post dinner coffee (or tea) and sweets, the undesirable sort. I am gradually replacing it with dried fruits/nuts, sometimes dark chocolate... or now sometimes I have the drink or nothing at all... although it is hard at the beginning, because I thought for me at least, it was the habit of the ritual.

Greetings Nata2200- Thanks for sharing! Any other tips that have worked for you when it comes to managing evening snacking?
Cheers to improved health~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I have got a ceasin protein custard which is low in calarie and 27g in protein so it’s satisfying :)

Late night cravings