Let’s do this! Topic

Hi! It’s Saturday June 20th
I have tried tirelessly to loose weight only to discover I gained 5 lbs !?
I have a great carb cycling meal plan. The problem is there are 2 dueling ?? dragons ?? inside my head. One says follow your plan and see it through. The other dragon says don’t worry about it , you’ll loose weight later when you stop focusing on it or you’ll get back on track tomorrow. ??
I want to stay committed, I think it would help a lot to be in a group where we can share our progress and help one other stay accountable.

Hi MermaidJenna,

I have also decided to try and lose weight, this isn't my first
go around but I'm gonna try and stick with it. I know exactly what you mean, it's tempting to have that treat but then 'just one' leads to being tempted into having just one more and before you know it you're bingeing and right back where you started. Trying to keep yourself motivated is really hard and I'm glad I found this forum where there are people like myself to talk to and share the experience. Anyway this was just a quick hello and hopefully we will talk again. Keep up the fight!

Just saying Hi and looking for motivation to get me off my couch on the weekends. Trying to get back into my running once again and seems like I just can't get out of the house on the weekends, maybe its a Corvid 19 fear thing or I just basically lost my running motivation. I plan on joining a running Club in 2021. Looking to get my Mojo back

Let’s do this!