Let's have the best week ever! Topic

Hello everyone. It's Sunday evening and the weekend is behind us. Let's commit to have a very good week! Arthur Ashe (famous tennis player) said "start where you are, use what you have, do what you can." I'm starting right here will do what I can and I'm glad to have you guys on this journey. Please share what ideas you have to make it a great week!

Hello 40-somethings... Just joined the site about a week ago. Of course, it's easy to lose weight at the start (I know this from the first three times I tried.) Anyway, I'm happy to be 3 pounds lighter than I was a week ago. Amazing how paying closer attention to the food I shop for, prepare and eat makes it more convenient to lose weight.

I'm looking to lose 35 pounds, all gained in the course of having 3 kids. My youngest is 8, so the threshold for calling it "baby weight" has passed years ago.

How to keep us inspired? Maybe look at our efforts through mynetdiary not as a diet or another episode in how to lose weight, but rather, as training toward a new, permanent lifestyle. Hopefully, all of this logging of food intake makes us savvy consumers (nutrition-savvy, that is.) I know I've learned a lot just in the week I've been logging.

Stay the course. I'll check in to see your words of wisdom. I'm counting on it.

Hi Guys

I find that visualing the thoughts of being lighter helps to get me in the zone. Once I feel focussed, ie in the zone then I am in control of my journey

Let's have the best week ever!