Let's. just. DO. this. Topics

- Women in their 30's - 40's - Lose 20-30lbs (ish) - Eat & drink smarter & healthier - Exercise consistently but non-obsessively - BENEFITS - Returning to our former awesomeness, wearing properly fitting clothes, feeling healthier (and sexier!), demonstrating positive attitudes about health / food to those we love, regaining faltering confidence (whether we admit it or not :)

Motivation 3 messages

Last message on 02/17/16 by Bychristmas: SpinningInfinity, what virtual team did you join? Something like this?

Welcome! 4 messages

Last message on 01/17/16 by SpinningInfinity: Hi all! My name is Abby, glad you wrote! I'm new to this community thing too, so if I don't write back right away it's because I can't see the new posts easily on my phone, I'll figure it out. So my plan has been to start out just logging all...

Let's. just. DO. this.. - Women in their 30's - 40's - Lose 20-30lbs (ish) - Eat & drink smarter & healthier - Exercise consistently but non-obsessively - BENEFITS - Returning to our former awesomeness, wearing properly fitting clothes, feeling healthier (and sexier!), demonstrating positive attitudes about health / food to those we love, regaining faltering confidence (whether we admit it or not :)