Love yourself… now. Topic

I remember when I was in high school I weighed around 120lbs… I remember not being happy with that weight and striving to be around 110-115lbs.. I remember thinking this is the right weight for my age and height… I have no idea if I actually backed up those ideas with facts but that’s what I thought at the time. I remember having a bit of belly fat and thinking this is not acceptable.

In college my weight went up and I weighed around 135lbs-140lbs, I remember thinking this is awful! I should weight around 120lbs haha. I was heavier but I could still do a lot of things I liked doing so I didn’t stress too hard to change because well, homework and finals and all my eggs were in this one basket so I had to do well no matter what.

I graduated college and put on about 30 more pounds during my first professional job and during the covid pandemic… we had to work from home.. we couldn’t go to the gym.. and I feel like I was stressed out all the time and didn’t know how to deal with it. Anyways, I changed jobs, got a different job, and then quit that job to go back to school and finish a degree I had started while working full time. When I step on the scale now it reads 160lbs give or take 5lbs depending on the week. What I am telling myself now is “I should weigh about 135lbs, if not for looking good (because I’m older now and probably won’t look that great as I did when I was younger anyways) then at least for my health.”

I don’t care anymore, I’m heavier now, I can feel it around my waist, my chin, my thighs and calves. They look bigger and they feel bigger. I don’t really like it because it makes certain clothes uncomfortable and certain tasks uncomfortable.

Despite my weight trends showing me I only get bigger with time, I am going to try again to lose weight by counting my calories. Something I feel I never really worked hard on. And I’m going to love myself. It’s hard. But through it all, my body has been there for me and I have to give it some effort and not be discouraged and I need to love myself now.

Love yourself… now.