Managing Weiight Loss with no Support Topic

I've been trying hard to get the weight off and I told one friend I was going to start losing weight but they just said 'oh well good luck with that'. I felt dismissed as though this person didn't really believe I could do it. It gets me down sometimes especially when I see others I know who are also on the weight loss journey getting support and encouragement from their friends.

Drop them. You’re doing great. If they don’t support you and encourage you then they aren’t a real friend. Always surround yourself with positive people.

Thank you so much for your advice and support. I really appreciate it.

Hi CityGirl129-
Sorry to hear your friend dismissed an opportunity to support you in this big endeavor and instead caused you to doubt your abilities. That stinks-
We work hard to maintain a supportive environment here at MyNetDiary. Feel free to reach out, just like you did with your post, anytime and ask for support. We are here for you!
Here is a blog post you may find helpful.
Don't give up! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thank you so much

Hey CityGirl129, Just want to let you know the MyNetDiary community is here to support you! You've got this! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Cheers! Appreciate your support, Brenda.

Managing Weiight Loss with no Support