Mantra Topic
I have a mantra. Have tried to use it since goal. Even made a 3 strand bracelett which says it. Quite a feat since jewelry making was new to me. Cost more than I wanted it to. "nothing I eat can make me as happy as being thin". I need to refocus on that as I have been hungary lately. Think the carbs are too high maybe.Does anyone else has one?
It's close (in meaning) to what I tell myself, when I am sitting at work, looking at my coworkers eating cake for the 3rd time that week.
"Those calories just aren't worth the hassle." :)
I don't have a mantra, but I essentially force myself to answer the question, "Is it worth the XXX calories?" Sometimes, the answer is yes, but mostly, it is no. The calories reality check helps me the most.
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD
I try to remember how hard the last run felt, and if I want that to be wasted just for some chips etc.
My "mantra" is my pants size. I worked so hard to earn it that nothing is worth losing it. this helps me not eat that treat from a coworker and to get up early and run!
Okay guys, this is not going to sound good as a mantra but here it is...."If you want it eat it. You will sooner or later"
That said; I don't want as many things now as I used to. Just yesterday I dropped a McDonald's strawberry shake off at a friend of mine that is down in bed with a broken leg and pneumonia. While at McDonald's my daughter wanted a shake also. I ordered a medium fry that I thought might be fun to split with my daughter. I had two fries and they didn't taste good to me. I had to have a moment of silence for the loss of a good friend. McDonald's French Fries used to bring such comfort. Now they were no longer a friend.
May the Fries rest in peace-lol. Nothing worse than being haunted better they have died to you-lol
Ha ha - I have had the same experience with french fries. My memory of fries are more delicious than the reality of fries.
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD
I do like that pants size mantra. I am going to try it. It is very motivating to go shopping and try on those sizes that I never thought I would fit. My pants size is smaller than it has been since junior high school! ...and that's pretty motivating, even when those french fries are calling my name.
replied to Clochette2
Exactly, Clochette2! I have the same experience. I don't ever remember wearing this size as a teenager even.
Maptab - I have had the same experience with McDonalds fries. Also many potato chips too. All I taste anymore is the fat/grease.