May 2014 Topic

Hi Everyone! I hope you are all doing well! I just wanted to alert you that I will be offline until Monday 5/12. Be sure to ask my substitute, Donna Feldman, MS, RD ("Dietician") for help on "Ask a Dietitian Current" forum thread.

FYI - I'm "Dietitian" and that is how you can tell us apart!


Hi Folks, I am back from vacation! I hope everyone is doing well. How are things going? Check in with us here if you get a chance!

Hi Folks- check in with me! How are you doing these days?

down 81 lbs now since 1 Nov 13; no insulin required anymore; the mediterranean style of eating and 1 hr of treadmill each day coupled with MND tracking and support seems to continue to work; dr. has asked me to cut cardio to no more than 60 min; add 30 light weight training so have added that to my daily regimen; still have a ways to go to achieve a normal BMI, but just enjoying the journey and try not to focus on the day to day ups and downs; thanks much for your continued support!

So happy to hear of your progress and what sounds like a real lifestyle change, MtnDog! Fantastic!

Anyone struggling and need help troubleshooting?

May 2014