Member Introductions Topic

That is a good idea on the veggies. I will look into some interesting ways to fix them. If I make it kind of fun instead of feeling like a chore maybe I will get more in me. LOL

I had considered the Mio and decided against it because of the artificial sweetener and all the chemicals in it. I have a big aversion to artificial sweeteners. I would rather use a teaspoon of sugar and get the 15 calories. I think getting the unsweetened tea and adding some lemon juice to it and two teaspoons of sugar is working well. It tastes fairly okay and is only 30 calories - which is a whole lot better than 150 calories in a Dr. Pepper. :)

gotta do whatever works best for you!

Hello, all!

My name is Laura and I've been a member for almost a month. My initial plan was to lose 16 lbs,, but since beginning this journey, I've tweaked it to approximately 21 lbs. More depends on how I feel at any given weight, than any given numerical "set point," so I am not entirely certain what my desired weight loss even is. I just know that I want to live a more healthy life and attempt to make some sort of "peace" with the scale (it's been a life long, exhausting, and frustrating battle and I know there has to be a "better way" than what I've been doing).

Currently, I'm having to contend with a recent diagnosis of hypothyroidism and all that such entails- Extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, exhaustion, low body temperature/feeling cold all the time... Ugh! No fun! I've been on thyroid for 8 days now, and keep hoping that these symptoms will soon abate, but thus far, still hoping...

Regardless, I look forward to being a member of this group and getting the opportunity to interact with others on a similar journey.


Welcome Laura!

Thanks, Kayla :)

welcome Laura. I too take thyroid meds. My Dr had to tweak the dose a few times on me. Hang in there it gets better. and welcome to the group

Hello Laura, I'm new to the group I've found the members in just days both friendly and supportive , keep up the positive vibes x

Thanks for the welcomes, BirkyWife and EmmaBickers! So nice to be in such good company :)

Good morning,

I hope it's okay that I jointed this group. I'm looking for some accountability you see!

My name is Chrissie. I've been a member of MND for ages but I haven't ever really used it consistently. However, when I do use it, weight comes off, so.....

My youngest child is twelve months old now, and I am stuggling to lose weight and keep it off. I seem to be in a rut. I won't be having any more children I very much feel that "this is it".

I would like to lose about another 10 kilos. I have started walking again, which I'm loving as it's very much my peaceful time, away from house and children. I don't mind how long it takes me to get back to where I should be, but I would like there to be consistent small losses. I think that I need to set myself some rules, and stick to them.

Anyway, I hope you are all well, and I look forward to keeping in touch.
- C

Member Introductions